
Cara is an award-winning author of seven novels. Her books have won the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Book Buyers Best, and the Linda Howard Award of Excellence to name a few. She fell head over heels for romance at the age of thirteen and is still madly in love with the genre.

She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and three overly dramatic ferrets. As a mother of four children and a voracious traveler she has no shortage of material to draw from for her stories. The traveling provides great fodder for world-building and the children… well, let’s just say they’ve been the inspiration for many paranormal and alien characters. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her curled up with a book, engrossed in a movie or playing video games with her best friend. Cara loves to hear from readers, so don’t hesitate to drop her a line.

For more information on Cara, her books and new releases, you can sign up for her newsletter here.